Manage Your Perfectionism

Manage Your Perfectionism

  If you’re a perfectionist, chances are you already know it. But if you’re wondering, “Could this be me?” here are five common perfectionist tendencies: You don’t settle for second best. You give up on tasks you don’t think will turn out perfectly. You are...
A Strong & Healthy Immune System

A Strong & Healthy Immune System

  A strong immune system helps protect you against whatever contagious illness is going around.  Vitamin D is one supplement that’s vital for a healthy immune system. In late winter and for much of spring our vitamin D levels are really low because we haven’t had...
The 5 Fears That Kill Dreams

The 5 Fears That Kill Dreams

  Courage is one of the major qualities that separate the few who achieve their goals and dreams and live an inspired life, from the many that don’t. The courage to act on the guidance of your soul opens you to greater possibilities, potentials and...
Is Fear Ruling Your Decisions?

Is Fear Ruling Your Decisions?

  Most of us have fear lurking in the corner of our minds and hearts.  While this is part of our human experience, the more conscious we can become of our fear, the more it helps us to know when it is driving our decisions or when it is simply in the background...
Do You Feel Drained?

Do You Feel Drained?

  Have you ever walked into a room and immediately felt that someone was angry?  We are constantly picking up energies with higher senses that we didn’t know we had. All living cells have electrical fields and many different animals are able to sense and react to...