Equinox is the pivotal point on the calendar when light and dark become equal just for a moment.  It is a moment of harmony when nature is in perfect balance as the seasons begin to shift and change.


True Balance

Equinox is a brief moment of perfect balance. But true balance isn’t static. Balance is an active process that involves moving gently back and forth between different activities, different sides of the body, different perspectives.

For us, true balance is the ability to be able to return to centre in spite of constant shifts in the world around us, our physical body and our perspectives and thoughts.  When we can return to balance quickly and with ease after encountering turbulence, we are able to maintain stability during challenging times. Equinox invites us to seek true balance in ourselves and our interactions with others and the world.



At the September Equinox the Sun transits into the sign of Libra, the star sign associated with balance and harmony, whose zodiac symbol is the scales.  Therefore, this is an ideal time to incorporate more of what nurtures and nourishes you to create more balance in your own life.

Ma’at is an Egyptian Goddess archetype associated with the energy of Libra and the Equinox.  She is both a person and an idea and as the idea she embodies the principle of truth, justice and universal harmony.  It is within this principle of universal harmony that her role at the September Equinox becomes apparent.  In maintaining the central fulcrum point between the two extremes she represents the centering, dynamic stillness where we embody balance.


This simple breathing meditation carries the energy of Ma’at to support you to return to those pure moments of harmony and balance.


Music:  Crystal Waters by https://www.purple-planet.com