Every new moon that comes around I use as a checkpoint for my life. The new moon is about starting with a clean empty slate and setting our intentions. These are the conception of an idea to become birthed into life with the coming Full Moon. I do this just like thousands of others have for centuries.

We move into April today under the New Moon in Aries the Ram, and the first New Moon for this new zodiac year. Falling in the Fire sign of Aries this is all about New Beginnings. This means it’s an excellent time to begin afresh and plant the seeds of your manifestation intentions for the year ahead.


Your intuition is heightened at the New Moon so that’s the time to
go within, listen to your inner voice and trust.


Today, go within and connect with your Higher Mind to clarify the vision you wish to manifest. Hold this vision in your awareness with the deep Knowing that in the energetic field of Soul and Source your vision already exists. Your trust that it already EXISTS opens the portal for it to move into material reality.

When you have formed your intention, your vision, send it out and let it go, without trying to plan just how you can make it happen. Allow the Universe to bring it into existence in response to your intention.

Aries energy is about taking action.  However, this is not about trying to manipulate your intentions into physical existence.  Your action needs only be to remain alert for the tiny whispers of intuitive wisdom that will guide you to whatever appropriate action you need to take.

If you lack confidence about hearing and recognising the voice of your intuition, ask for clear signs, even be specific about what the signs should be, ones you simply can’t miss.


Find more about New Moon rituals in the Natural Cycles category.
Download your 2022 MOON CALENDAR from there also.