Your Personal GPS For Success


Imagine that your Intuition operates like a personal GPS system.  If you know how to use it properly you can count on it to get you from point A to point B with relative ease and peace of mind.  You can expect that it will steer you clear of roadblocks, keep you free from traffic jams and direct you to the quickest and most direct route to your desired destination, all the while helping you maintain good fuel efficiency and if you’re lucky, giving you a pleasant view along the way.

Intuition can work just as clearly and efficiently as a GPS system provided it is activated.



Activate Your Intuition


These are the Six Steps to activate your Intuition.  They are based on the foundation of Peace, Precision and Perception


1. Peace: Go to your Heart and Generate Coherence


Science recently discovered there is a level of intelligence carried within the heart that out-powers the brain by 10 to 1.  The heart is the first organ in the body to develop and therefore there are far more lines that carry information going from the heart to the brain, than the other way around.  This is the reason why our brain literally SHUTS DOWN when we are stressed and our heart is racing due to fear, anxiety or any of the many other pressures that life presents.  During these stress filled times access to problem solving intuition is impossible.

Intuition thrives at the ‘Unified Intelligence’ level of mind, which is where ALL levels of intelligence combine to create coherence, so they function together as a whole.  When we balance both the analytical and creative thought powers of the head with the intelligence of the heart we are taken to a powerful midpoint of agile creativity, which opens the channels of Higher Mind and Wisdom that are needed to come up with new and innovative ideas and to solve problems effectively.


Action Step: Cultivate a Meditative practice.  Calm the mind.  Coherence is the Scientific word for Peace



2.  Peace: Clearing the ‘Stress Static’


The number ONE obstacle to being able to unleash the power of your intuition is stress!  Stress is like static on a phone line blocking the communication process.  When you are worried about a deadline, anxious about interpersonal relationships, concerned about finances or overwhelmed by too much to do, you cannot access the parts of your mind that engage with higher intelligence and are integral to creative problem solving.

Working harder is NOT working smarter.  Stress makes you LESS efficient, LESS effective and in the long run costs you FAR more than simply time and money. Getting stuck in your head and over-analysing, asking others for advice or obsessing or over-thinking things will never bring up creative or innovative ideas or solutions.

Take a tip from Albert Einstein who claimed all of his groundbreaking solutions came to him while he was out walking in nature or at least outside the laboratory.  When he said “You cannot solve a problem on the same level of thinking that created it” he meant you have to go outside your mind to solve it. That is, you have to break the patterns of stressful thought that caused the problem in the first place.  How do you do that?  By relaxing the mind, clearing the static and allowing Intuition to speak instead.


Action Step: Take a break, get outdoors and breathe. Create more Peace



3.  Precision: The Power of the ‘Ask’


The power of a carefully worded question is crucial when accessing your intuition, and just like the GPS in your car, in order to get to your destination, you need to know precisely where you are starting from.  In simple language, you need to know what questions to ask your Intuition for it to respond in a helpful manner.  Where most people trip up especially in the beginning, is by seeking solutions or answers with ineffective questions.

Giving your Intuition a strong starting point depends on a strong ‘direction request.’  Questions should be worded in the present moment, be positively oriented and results based.  For example, ‘How can I most effectively improve cash flow?” is a far more empowered question than “How am I going to cover the rent?” “Is this new person a potential friend who is aligned with my values?” will give you a far more intuitively potent result than, “Is this guy going to undermine me?”


Action Step: Get crystal clear about what you DO want and the ultimate goal, NOT what you are afraid of or are trying to avoid.  Cultivate PRECISE questions.



4.  Expand your Perception: Forget what you ‘Know’


People who think they know everything there is to know about something have a very difficult time accessing their intuition when they wish for further clarification or direction about something.  Intuition is housed in the non-linear and non-rational mind, so it creates solutions that do not follow traditional avenues of thinking.  If you are convinced that there is only one way to solve your problem or create a certain outcome you limit the pathways through which your Intuition can communicate with you.

This is why ‘Beginners Luck’ is such a potent phenomenon, because those who know little or nothing about a situation are not limited by what they DO know, so their minds are open and accessible to any and all possibilities that may present themselves.  Give yourself permission to forget everything you have ever been taught and everything that you THINK you might know and be willing to be open to and surprised by whatever information comes your way.


Action Step: Adopt Humility.  Be willing to see, learn, experience new things.



5.  Perception: Pay Attention


Intuition doesn’t always speak the language we understand.  Often it speaks to us in the language of the creative and imaginative mind, the language of symbols, images, art or music.  And it may use any or all of our five senses to guide, direct and influence us.

Once you have asked your Intuitive mind for direction pay attention to what you begin to notice throughout the course of your day or even at night through the messages in your dreams.

Be open and aware of whatever you may notice.  You may hear a song on the radio, hear a line in a movie, or a statement from a friend that contains a tag line with the perfect solution to your problem.  You may even notice an image on a billboard that catches your attention.  This is your Personal GPS in action, saying ‘Turn here’, ‘Look here’, ‘Watch this’, ‘See me’.  It’s up to you to notice it and take action.


Action Step: Become a great Observer.  Watch more, speak less.



6.  Have FUN: Invite a sense of PLAY


Intuition thrives in an environment of ease, peace and grace.  It speaks most clearly through a mind that isn’t overwhelmed or burdened with the pressure of having to get it right.  It’s a mind free of the need to prove anything to anyone.

Intuition gives direction through a system that is flexible, agile and open to anything.  It is the language that athletes hear when they are in the zone, musicians when they are in the flow and visionaries who are on the leading edge.  It speaks to us through our Natural state because being intuitive IS our natural state.

Take a moment to consider the possibility of all the joy that life can offer, even at those times when life appears to be daunting or challenging.  It may take you a bit of time but if you can get back to that feeling and then do your best to call it forward and make it the ‘starting point’ to access your personal GPS, you will find your intuition begins to speak as clearly as any solid, tangible coach or mentor ever did.  The difference here is your intuition is concerned only about your needs.  And it is available whenever you need it and it never charges for its services.


Action Step: Lighten up and remember to laugh (especially at yourself)