The Solstices are special and sacred energetic gateways which occur twice each year in June and December. They are a time when celestial potential pours forth.
The Ancients were aware of this and celebrated the day with powerful ceremony, designed to shape the consciousness and expression of their society. Much of the ancient meaning has been lost in modern celebrations. But, if you understand the authentic Esoteric meaning of Solstice, it can be used to expand creative power and generate transformation in meaningful ways through the rest of the year, in both our own lives and that of our world.
The Wheel Of The Year
The Wheel Of The Year is the annual cycle of seasonal festivals of the pagan calendar. Solstice is an energetic power points on the Wheel. Many see it as no more than a calendar, but the Wheel Of The Year is really about the pattern of Divine Creation, and it follows the eternal sacred pattern of birth, death and rebirth.
There are eight power points on the Wheel, each of which marks shifts and changes in the natural world as it cycles through the seasons. Each power point on the Wheel also holds spiritual and magical power. These points are times of heightened energy when it can be easier to access the refined energetic realms.
Whether you follow pagan lore or not, aligning your own journey to that of the Wheel of the Year provides you with a template that supports you to live in harmony and flow with the Universal and natural cycles.
The Solstices
Solstice marks the longest day of the year with exposure to the greatest amount of sun, and the shortest day of the year with exposure to the greatest amount of darkness, and both are celebrations of the light.
As it travels through the seasons the sun appears to move through the heavens, higher towards the zenith during summer and lower towards the horizon in winter. However, at Solstice the Sun seems to stand still in the heavens as it marks the natural changing of the seasons.
Solstice marks the point where the Sun reaches its closest or greatest distance from the Earth. To ancient cultures the Sun appeared at either its highest or lowest point in the heavens at the Solstice. On the actual day of Solstice, it appeared as though the Sun had stopped its journey northward or southward and for a brief moment hung stationary in the heavens, before it reversed its direction. From a practical viewpoint this provided these societies with an important guide to the annual cycle of planting and harvesting crops.
During Solstice we can become more attuned to the energies around us as well as to other dimensions, as the doorways to the Higher Realms are ajar and the veils that separate the worlds are thinned. When we consciously attune with this Power Portal, we can open strong and clear engagement with our True Nature, our Highest Self.
Solstice and the Zodiac
At the December Solstice the Sun moves into the sign of Capricorn the goat, bringing a time to focus on the energy of discipline, especially in relation to finances, business, goals and health. This is a time to create structure and form in your life. It is an excellent to create the framework needed to make your life ‘work’.
At the June Solstice it moves into the sign of Cancer, the crab. This is a time to bring our focus to how we use our emotional potential. It is a time to ‘feel’ and to honour those feelings without judgement. Practice compassion and patience with others and yourself and seek out the lesson whenever you feel hurt.
Summer Solstice
On this, the longest day of the year, we celebrate the light. Occurring in December in the Southern Hemisphere and June in the Northern Hemisphere, the Summer Solstice is a time of abundant growth and fertility. It marks a time for celebrating the fulfillment of Creativity as it reaches fruition.
Solstice is a time to honour the light. It serves to remind us of the bounty of life and our connection to the Earth and the Sun. Every culture right across the earth celebrates this moment with festivals. Many monuments have been built throughout time to commemorate the Summer Solstice, including amongst others, Stonehenge in England, the Temple of Karnak in Egypt, the Pyramid of Chichen Itza in Mexico, and the Mnajdra Temple in Malta.
Summer Solstice celebrates the bounty of the earth. This fire festival celebrates the power held within the tiny seed that provides all the nourishment needed to ignite the seed into abundant growth. It honours the power required to bring things to fulfillment both in the natural world around us, and within ourselves and our lives. As such it marks the peak of your growth in the yearly cycle.
As the Sun shines its light on us it brings clarity and focus to what’s truly important. Today is a reminder that even though life may seem dark at times there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
Summer Solstice marks the culmination of the work you have put in over the past year to nurture and nourish the seeds of your intent. It is a time to recognise, acknowledge and celebrate your achievements of the year. We are invited to celebrate with gratitude the power of warmth given to Mother Earth by the Sun, to nurture her abundant gifts.
Traditionally huge bonfires were lit at Solstice to celebrate our connection to the Sun. But with the possible danger of wildfire that can occur in a hot dry landscape, you may prefer to light a candle indoors to honour our bright, fire-y star.
Remember, like the Sun, you hold the power of fire within you to inspire, ignite, create and sustain. Solstice energy provides a fertile ground for our creativity to flower, and though the energy of our creating to energise Nature.
At Summer Solstice call on the fire within to burn away whatever you have outgrown. This is a time to put yourself out there, to stop playing small, and to SHINE.
Draw on the energy of Summer Solstice to motivate you to align your dreams, vision and drive with your Highest Truth. Spend time outside in nature’s abundance to ground yourself and use your breath to become fully present. With awareness, witness whatever arises from within, and notice whatever around you sparks your interest or curiosity. As you become aware of something stop and really witness it. Then without limiting yourself, write or draw your insights in your journal.
Winter Solstice
Occurring in June in the Southern Hemisphere and December in the Northern Hemisphere, Winter Solstice marks the shortest day and longest night of the year. This is a time when daylight is at its weakest and darkness reigns supreme before the return of the Light. At this time, we are invited to go within and enter the dark depths of the soul. It serves to remind us that we are an integral part of the cycle of Nature.
Traditionally Winter Solstice celebrates the rebirth of the Sun. It honours the first, tiny spark of life nestled in the darkness of the womb, in both nature and ourselves, which will later give rise to the New. As with the Summer Solstice, Winter Solstice also celebrates the light, however this time in its polarity of darkness.
This is a sacred time of inner reflection, and one in which to embrace the night, practice meditation and make space in your life for new beginnings. It is a time to invite healthy abundance and growth into your life.
Winter Solstice is a time to withdraw from the busy-ness of life and to take a well-deserved rest. It is a potent time to be alone with your thoughts and intuition to rediscover your Inner Light. Sit with who you really are – your True Nature – and gain strength from within. You don’t need to investigate or journal what emerges, just to surrender and BE with your feelings.
Tonight, find a quiet, dark space where you can be alone. Centre yourself with breath, and using awareness, observe your feelings as they emerge in the darkness. Don’t engage with them, simply observe and then release them. Open yourself to consciously receive whatever it is you need to move forward in the coming year with clarity and grace.
This is the time for a fresh start, so declare that you are open to new and inventive ways to grow. Then get out of your own way. Be observant and watch for the intuitive sparks the Universe sends your way. Remember these may be subtle and may appear in many different ways. Be ready to take action to nourish your inner light of creativity as you move forward into Spring.

Art by Josephine Wall
A Time Of Transformation
Whether you are experiencing the Summer or Winter Solstice the energies of both support you to deliberately create opportunities for conscious transformation.
These energetic turning points in the Wheel Of The Year open a powerful portal to disrupt your pattern of everyday living and to receive deep insights in order to redirect the trajectory of your life.
Claim this Solstice moment to focus light on your pathway for the upcoming year in alignment with your Highest Good.
Solstice Blessings 💙💙💙