As we reach the final New Moon of this zodiac year, we enter a time for both reflecting back on the last twelve months and looking forward to our vision for the future.

Pisces reminds us that in deep water much is happening below the surface. It can take time for things to rise to the surface and become visible. We too may need to pause, to allow things to be, and wait for our issues to emerge clearly into the light BEFORE we can address them and take action.

But Pisces is personified by TWO fish swimming in opposite directions and representing duality – yin and yang, light and dark, masculine and feminine, spirit and matter. Under this duality you may feel pulled in two directions, on to two different paths. You may feel yourself oscillating between these two alternatives. But when we surrender to our intuition we will always find the correct path to arrive exactly where we need to be. Although the Pisces fish swim in opposite directions their journey is circular, leading them by different routes to the same end.

Saturn exerts its strong influence at this New Moon and you may feel restricted or stifled under it. Saturn creates stoppage to give us the time we need to become aware of our lessons and to create the structure required to integrate them. You may need to hold off making decisions or taking action to give enough time for the issue to rise from the watery depths. If the need to hold back challenges you when you want to take action, draw on your intuition for guidance about the right path to follow at this time.

As well as honouring the Pause and simply going with the Pisces flow, under this energy we are also being called to now make decisions and take the required action. If we’re feeling indicates to us we’re being urged to MOVE from our current position. This can set up a conflict as we are being pulled from inaction to action and back again.

We are currently being called to trust our intuition to guide us onto the right path for our greatest good at this time. With Pisces we can normally drift with the flow. But under this New moon we are being asked to strike a balance between movement and stillness; between holding on and releasing. To find this point of balance between these polarities of action and stillness, we need to send strong energetic roots down into the Earth to keep us grounded as we seek the answers within.