Can you recognise your intuition?
Are you familiar with its voice when it whispers guidance? Always?
All emotions cause a signature feeling in your body. Intuitive messages also create their own feeling. When you learn to recognise and differentiate between these you add a very potent tool to your kit, one which enables you to navigate life’s challenges with greater ease.
But how do you tell the difference between Intuition and Lower Mind with greater certainty?
When your intuition is directing you to ‘go’, to take action, it will feel open, grounded and solid. You will almost feel impelled to step into or lean into, a certain action. If it is telling you to ‘wait’, when you go to move forward and take action it will feel as though there is a subtle energetic block in front of you, almost like someone holding an invisible arm in front of you. Here it’s telling you to wait, take caution or proceed slowly. When it’s telling you to stop it will feel like a solid object in front of you, blocking you, while still remaining neutral. Taking any movement forward feels tight, compressed and blocked. But these feelings are subtle, and you need to be observant so you don’t miss them.
None of these directives, go, wait or stop, hold an emotional charge. And it’s really important to make this distinction because when your fear is rooted in your limiting beliefs, it kicks in with dire warnings that ‘it’s too risky’ or ‘you’ll fail’ or ‘what will people think’. Fear will feel bad, pinched, tight, weak, or many other disempowering sensations. It may twist your gut and often have nasty messages from your lower mind attached to it.
Fear feels very different to a directive that comes from your intuition.
Clarify That Feeling of Fear
Reflect back on times you were fearful and recall how it felt, especially in your body. It’s important to identify those feelings now before you face a fearful situation. This is so that later on, when you’re wondering whether the message is coming from your intuition or from your limited thoughts or fear, you’ll know immediately which it is by the feeling that accompanies it.
Take a moment, close your eyes and think about fear. Imagine being afraid, and then scan your body to discover what fear feels like in your body.
When you think of fear what sensation do you feel? Where do you feel it in your body? Are there any other thoughts or memories that accompany that feeling? Can you change the feeling at all, for example by moving your body in some way, or going out into the open air? Get as clear a picture of fear in your body as you can. And then, in the same way, explore what paranoia feels like, and what worry feels like in your body.
Get really precise about how each of them feels and learn to distinguish between them in an instant. For me, I feel fear in my thighs and my gut, as a crawling tightness that feels really disturbing and ‘creepy’.
Becoming precise about how specific emotions feel to you is critical for making wise intuitive decisions.
Use this exercise to make friends with your fear, and become really familiar with how it shows up, because when you can instantly recognise it as soon as it starts, you can use it correctly to serve you in a really powerful, cool way.
Intuition Is Your Trustworthy Guide
Whenever you get that horrible, disturbing response it’s important to first notice, recognise and identify it. Then stop and remind yourself that unless there is an identifiable threat around you, whenever you get that feeling it is coming from a limiting belief lodged in your subconscious mind.
Remind yourself that this belief is not in alignment with what your intuition knows to be true for you.
Your intuition always guides you to what is true for your soul and your highest good. Your fear comes from a place that hates ANY form of change and so it sabotages you in order to maintain the status-quo. It does this by trying to dissuade you from following intuitive guidance.
By pausing to remind yourself of this you begin to break the pattern.
You can always recognise your truth by the feeling it carries, which is calm, solid, open and generous. By paying attention to your truth you can always make the wisest decision for yourself, whether that is stop, wait or go.
Whenever you recognise that feeling of fear it’s important to investigate what the thought you are having at that time is all about, and whether there is more to uncover. In that moment remind yourself that your thought is misleading you by telling you something your intuition does not believe to be true.
When you question and challenge your fear you start to break apart the patterns that hold that fear together.
Three Key Intuition Truths
Three things to remember whenever you are questioning whether a thought or idea comes from Intuition, or Higher Mind, or from a limiting belief lodged in your subconscious mind are:
- Intuition hits are emotionally neutral because they come from Higher Mind
- They come with a sense of peace and power
- Anything coming from your lower mind has emotional distortion attached to it