Most of us assume we have our stress under control, so we think it’s completely normal to feel stressed. In fact, we’ve almost forgotten what it feels like to NOT feel stressed.
But even low levels of stress have significant effects on our body and on-going stress has wide-reaching effects right though, from our brain to our muscles, to our fertility and more.
Deep belly breathing is a simple way to counter the effects of stress.
Again, most of us assume we breathe fine, slowly and fully. But it’s usually not until someone actually teaches you how to breathe well that you do.
The sticking point is most people don’t exhale fully.
So – Let’s Try This:
- Close your eyes and breathe deeply into your abdomen, keeping your belly soft.
- As you breathe in slowly through your nose for a count of five say “soft” to yourself.
- As you breathe out slowly through your mouth for a count of five say “belly” to yourself.
- Now, continue inhaling for a count of five, but with every second out-breath extend the exhalation by a count of one, until you are exhaling for a count of 10.
This works because when your belly is soft, the breath goes to the bottom of the lungs and you get a better oxygen exchange.
As your abdominal muscles relax so do your other muscles.
And deep breathing stimulates your Vagus Nerve which reduces cortisol and the reverses the stress response, so you can enjoy life.