Today we bask under a happy, harmonious Full Moon, sitting in her home sign of Cancer.
With the beautiful fish energy of Neptune singing to watery Cancer, you are supported to access Higher Wisdom and guidance more easily. Open wide the line to Source and draw on this healing energy for insight and creativity.
However, Pluto is currently staring down the Moon, insisting you bring your awareness to where you may have given away your power to others. Observe your relationships. Are there any power dynamics where you feel powerless? Or any where you hold an excess of power? Simply becoming aware of this dynamic can begin to shift it. This Full Moon supports your empowerment should you choose to claim it.
Full Moon is a time for release, a time to let go. Observe the dynamics of your relationships and if needed, create a small ritual to release them. Write down what you’ve observed, read them aloud, burn the paper and then flush it away down the toilet or the sink.
With the Full Moon in Cancer focus is on the family and home environment and you may be guided to provide a nurturing haven for your loved ones. With the Sun in the practical sign of Capricorn look to actions such as cleaning and de-cluttering or finishing odd jobs to create a calm, welcoming sanctuary.
Full Moon Blessings 💙💙💙