Do you listen to your intuition?
Can you recognise your intuitive voice when it sends you guidance?
We all have intuitive ability, it’s not something that’s given to just some of us. But our ability to trust messages coming from our intuition, or to even notice them in the first place, is often the main thing holding us back from receiving and using strong, clear intuitive guidance.
While we were all born with intuition sometimes our capability to hear the intuitive messages has withered. But those messages can become stronger and easier for us to hear. The secret is to develop our intuition, just like we do for a muscle or the brain. When we don’t exercise intuition it becomes weaker.
However, sometimes the problem is simply that we don’t know what we are listening for. Discover more about what to listen for and how intuition speaks to us with 18 Ways Your Intuition Sends You Messages.
Signs You’re Ignoring Your Intuition
Before you begin to develop your intuition so it’s stronger, work out whether you’re simply ignoring the voice of your intuition.
Ask yourself whether:
- Life feels directionless
- You feel powerless, or that you’re ruled by the expectations of others, or at their demand
- It feels like you’re in Groundhog Day as you continually face recurring obstacles
- You struggle to express your needs, your wants and your strengths
If you answered yes to these it’s time for you to tune in to intuition and listen.
18 Ways To Strengthen Intuition
- Trust your first instinct.
- Ignore the voice that second guesses the intuitive message and feeds your doubt
- Listen to your body
- Meditate, or do other activities such as exercising, drawing, writing or other ways to create, that help still your mind and get you in The Flow.
- Shower, it’s a great alternative to meditating because it lowers your brainwave cycles to those of deep meditation.
- Surrender, and stop trying to control
- Watch out for and notice serendipities and synchronicities
- Trust you can hear your intuition, to help reduce any doubts that arise
- Spend 10 minutes each day just listening to your thoughts
- Spend 10 minutes a day tuning into your body to get a real sense of the difference between how it normally feels and how it feels when intuition speaks to you
- Make yourself what matters when you’re listening for your intuition
- Disrupt your normal patterns to get out of your everyday frame of mind and open yourself to new perspectives
- Keep a dream journal and pay attention to what emerges in your dreams
- Allow your intuition to be what you need to hear, not what you want to hear
- Notice patterns that occur around you in your life or your thoughts
- Let go of limited thoughts and beliefs which inhibit intuition. Do the Shadow work
- If the intuitive message is unclear ask for more clarity about the message, and then watch for the answer.
- Accept it when you simply know something rather than trying to figure it out with logic