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    After months and months spent in lockdown many of us are now trying to reverse the effects on our health, like extra weight, too much snacking, not enough movement, too little time spent in the open air or a host of other habits we’ve developed.

    While it’s great to have big visions when it comes to getting healthier, sometimes it’s the little things that carry us further over time. Sometimes it’s easier to stick to the small changes we make and these then build a solid foundation to help us to reclaim our health.

    I’ve got slack over lockdown with snacking and I’m now consciously reminding myself “I don’t need food right now” whenever boredom drives me to the kitchen.

    Also, remembering how far waitresses actually walk each shift without going ‘walking’ I’m now making two trips around the house and garden to do simple chores instead one of just one, simply to get a little more movement in.

    And I’ve been considering doing online Qi Gong, which I used to love. Small steps I know….

    What are you doing to improve your health? What small steps have you introduced?
    Share in the comments and let’s get sme ideas going here.

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