A World Of Duality

A World Of Duality

  You are here to live and learn from a world of duality. It is vital to keep your feet firmly planted on the ground as your stretch towards the light of higher understanding. Stay grounded here in the physical as you explore the spiritual realms. Take off your...
We Are All Powerful Creators

We Are All Powerful Creators

  At times we forget that as Divine Beings we are all-powerful Creators.  When life seems crazy and chaotic and rushed and sad, where we quickly lose sight that we’re a creative spark of the Divine, we forget that we’re magnificent, even when we feel...
Transform The Shadow

Transform The Shadow

  Fear is actually one of our best cosmic teachers on the path because it allows us to see ourselves from the inside out. The Dark Night is actually a precursor towards spiritual awakening, but it can be revisited whenever we go through a deep transition period. ...
Release The 3D Busy-ness

Release The 3D Busy-ness

  Take a couple of deep, cleansing breaths.  Bring your awareness to your heart space, your energetic zero-point, and come into stillness and silence.  Become fully present to this now moment so you can open to the higher consciousness available to you when you...