The Twelve Spiritual Powers: Use in December and All Year Round


Part of our Spiritual Adventure is to learn how to deeply engage with, consciously direct and ultimately benefit from our inherent energies.

During December we look back on the year that was.  At the same time, we look to the year ahead.  This sacred time of stillness provides us with the perfect opportunity to deepen our inner focus on our Spiritual resources and to begin to condition our mind for new inspirations.  As we review our past and project our focus forward, we begin to consider what conscious intentional choices we can make to disrupt the patterns of everyday living that don’t support our inner growth.

In the spirit of the festival season and the energy of the Sacred Number Twelve, here is a list of Twelve Spiritual Powers for you to activate as part of your meditation practice.  Each Power is integrated gradually through an integration and conditioning of consciousness.  Use them to support your goals and intentions for the New Year.  By integrating them you condition your consciousness to shape your perception.

From the 21st of December, at the Solstice Festival, through to the 1st of January, the first day of the New Year, I invite you to select one Spiritual Power from the list and include it as part of your daily meditation.  Simply focus on the word or use it as a mantra.  Keeping your awareness turned up, notice how that word guides, influences and supports you through the day.

Have fun with this process as you accept the blessings and gifts of the season.



The Power of The Number Twelve


The number 12 is considered the perfect number because it symbolises Spiritual power and authority as well as serving as the personal rule foundation.

Twelve is the number that demonstrates spiritual foundation, spiritual perfection and completion of this mastery through the physical body.  This is why the number twelve is found so often in Mystical teachings.

Twelve represents cycles of experience and regeneration towards a higher consciousness, knowledge and higher wisdom, sensitivity, education and the balance of intellect.  It is the perfect product of Spirit (the number 3) and Matter (the number 4).

Twelve symbolises letting go, reversal, suspension, sacrifice, solitude, spiritual independence, initiation, higher wisdom, crossroads, decisions, transition and enlightenment.  To achieve your goal and purpose perseverance, acceptance, reflection, observation and calm is needed. This means we must be willing to release what no longer serves us so our True Nature can emerge.



The Twelve Powers: Build Your Spiritual Team


These Powers already exist within you. Together they form a complete and harmonious individual.

By focusing on one of these conditions every day we condition our consciousness to be a channel through which Higher Wisdom and Source energy can flow freely to influence every part of our lives.  As you engage with each Power notice both where it is amplified within and where it might be weaker.


twelve spiritual powers spirit guides





The power to believe, intuit and perceive

Faith is the Spiritual Power that forms the foundation to support all the others. It represents faith in the Spiritual, Universal Mind, God or the Creative Force.

Colour:  Royal blue

Location: Centre of the brain

Have faith, Believe. Trust. Faith doesn’t come all at once with a thud but must be invited, welcomed, encouraged and nurtured in order to grow.

Faith represents our innate ability to see the unseen and the desire to bring it forward. It allows us to look past the appearance of lack, limitation or challenge.

Develop faith by trusting your inner vision and inner hearing and then by practicing and expanding your intuition.  By trusting your inner power and nurturing its growth you reclaim and express your Spiritual Power.





The power to endure, stay the course, persevere

Strength represents the stability at the foundation of true character.

Colour:  Light green

Location: Small of the back

Strength expresses itself on all levels at the same time.  On the physical it represents vitality, endurance and persistence.  On the mental/cognitive level it activates the quality of mind that enables you to lead, accomplish, follow through on decisions, establish purposes in your life, and to hold firm to Spiritual principles in your daily life.  On the Spiritual level it supports you to connect deeply to faith and to use your Spiritual faculties to do whatever needs to be done regardless of the challenge.

Develop strength with a relaxed and trusting attitude, not with tension or strain.





The power to evaluate, discern, apply what you know

Wisdom is Spiritual Knowing. It represents the ability to perceive by spiritual methods, to judge by the standards of the Higher Self rather than by those of the physical world and to answer from divine insight.

Colour:  Yellow

Location:  Pit of the stomach

Wisdom is closely linked with the solar plexus.

Develop wisdom by consciously acquainting yourself with Source and holding the desire to express the wisdom of Source as you consciously engage.

Unloving or critical thoughts impact the pit of the stomach, the seat of wisdom, and can result in ulcers, indigestion or other stomach or heart ailments. However, using judgement illuminated by Spirit supports us to express greater physical health.

Wisdom is the highest form of Spiritual knowing and includes divine judgement, discrimination, intuition and other mind activities related to pure knowing. It doesn’t depend on reasoning, intellect or deduction.  It shines from within to illuminate the way and whatever else needs to be shown at that time.


twelve spiritual powers





The power to attract, unify and desire

Love represents unconditional acceptance and forgiveness.

Colour:  Pink

Location:  Back of the heart

Love is an integral part of living and without it people perish.

Whether or not we are aware of the presence of love, it continues to be, just as the sun continues to shine. Whether you know it’s there, whether you can see it, whether you believe in it, it just exists.

Love is the most recognised Spiritual Power but also the most misinterpreted.

Love, seated at the back of the heart and wisdom in the pit of the stomach, meet in the solar plexus, linked together in producing creative activity of any kind. This connection between Love and Wisdom forms the Heart-Brain link.  Love without wisdom is misguided, foolish and impetuous.  Together they combine to produce creative activity of any kind.

Love beholds the Truth of being. It enables us to live in harmony with all things. It heals, prospers, attracts, holds and makes the good ideas real.

Divine love is the greatest protective power in the universe.





The ability to master, have dominion and control. The ability to create our world

Power represents control over our thoughts and feelings.

Colour:  Purple

Location:  Root of the tongue

Magical and mystical!

When rightly used under the direction of the Higher Self, power accomplishes good beyond anything we can imagine. Wrong use brings disappointing or even disastrous results.

Power is not an end but a means to bring dominion over our thoughts and feelings.

Consciously speaking positive words of Truth, releases power through the throat chakra.

Power cannot be stored and later released. We serve as channels for power when it is needed, so must keep that channel between ourselves and Source open and clear if we are to have that power available to use for good in the world and our own lives.





The power to image, picture, conceptualise, envision, dream

Imagination represents the positive thoughts held in the mind.

Colour: Light blue

Location: Between the eyes

To change our mind, body or outer world we must first change our thoughts, the pictures we hold in our mind, by creating new mind-eye pictures through the faculty of our imagination.

If we don’t like our current circumstances we can change them through the Power of imagination.

To develop imagination, focus your attention on the point between the eyes, the Third Eye, to ‘see beyond’ and awaken the power to picture beneficial ideas.

Imagination must be invited as it can’t be forced. So stay relaxed when working to perceive the power within. Open to receiving pictures of the changes you desire to manifest.


twelve spiritual powers





The power to know, perceive, comprehend and apprehend

Understanding is the power to see beyond appearances to the reality underneath.

Colour:  Gold

Location: Front of the brain

Understanding provides the foundation on which our knowledge can rest and is important for developing our spiritual nature.

You awaken the Power of Understanding by questioning old ways of thought and action, and beliefs that you may have taken for granted.  This leads to your considering what you have learned in order to build a solid body of information that provides a sound basis for living.

Understanding differs from wisdom – intuitive knowing or intuition – because it is the ability to realise the laws of thought and the relationship of ideas to each other.  Where wisdom ‘knows,’ understanding ‘knows why’.

Putting together all you have learned to create Understanding provides a solid and grounded base for the Power of Faith.





The power to choose, decide, command, lead and determine

Will represents the conscious, decision-making power of the brain.

Colour:  Silver

Location:  Centre of the brain

We use our will all the time. Whenever we choose an action, when we resist or resent anything, submit or fight back, or aim high or slide backwards we are using our Power of Will.

When our will is unified with the will of Source we manifest happiness, peace, harmony, joy, prosperity and success.

As your Power of Understanding grows you can begin to awaken your Power of Will.  As you activate this Power you’ll become able to recognise when others are applying force (their will) without having to submit to it.  Train your Power of Will by consciously watching its activity and directing it through your growing Spiritual Understanding.





The ability to organise, balance, sequence, adjust

Order is the power to cultivate harmony and balance by centering our awareness.

Colour:  Deep green

Location: Navel

Humans often find establishing harmony and right relationships difficult and adjusting to their environment.  However, all lower life forms have the capability to adjust to their environment to grow and produce order.

By co-operating with spiritual law and using our ability to CHOOSE we can develop the Power of Order in our lives for greater harmony, balance and happiness.

We create order in the world outside us from within. Order works from the inside out so we must first work on creating order within ourselves, in our thinking, beliefs and emotions and on all levels. As we master this, the outer world, people, activities, time and resources, will settle into place.

Order is the result of agreement and co-operation with spiritual power, in mind, emotions and action.


twelve spiritual powers





The power to be enthusiastic, passionate, to start, motivate

Zeal represents motivation and the desire to accomplish great things

Colour:  Orange

Location:  Back of the head

Zeal is the urge or impulse to press forward. It’s the inner flame that burns brightly for all to see and brings free-flowing abundance to create.

Without zeal stagnation, inertia and death would prevail.  Life would quickly become pointless and limited, it would have no purpose, be dull and disappoint.

We must choose to accept this abundance and direct it towards bringing forth our spiritual nature.

Zeal can work for or against us. When it’s directed to selfish material aims it can consume us with its heat and friction. But when directed towards transformation within ourselves it can help awaken the other Spiritual Powers and will have a positive influence on others.

When you are filled with zeal you feel enthusiastic, joyous, energetic and grateful, awakened to the new and fresh. You feel filled with a sense of vitality and life.





The power to release, remove, renounce, deny, let go

Elimination represents the expulsion of negative thinking.

Colour:  Russet

Location:  Abdominal region

When we hold on to the past physically, mentally or emotionally we become locked down in limitation and our spiritual being becomes muddied.

Holding on to limiting thoughts, beliefs, or conditions that we no longer need, even though they served us in the past, leads to blocks and stoppages. New ideas and opportunities are unable to come forward until we create a space for them by letting go of these outdated habits.

To develop our spiritual talents our whole being needs to be cleansed and purified by releasing the old, wrong and outdated habits of thought and feeling. We can then welcome in new understandings and knowledge to form the basis of our spiritual growth and development.  In this we create a balance between giving and receiving.





The power to energise, vitalise, enliven, animate and invigorate

Life represents the life force flowing into all parts of the body and mind after clearing out limitation.

Colour:  Red

Location:  Generative organs.  Reproduction

Sense the power of life in all your cells. Know it as an embodiment of the Creative Force. Do not deny life or believe that you are imperfect. Embrace the creative force that gives life, allow it to flow through your whole being as radiant energy and give thanks for its Divine activity within.  It is through this that we overcome the limitation of death of the physical body.


twelve spiritual powers



As you activate these Spiritual Powers within you may notice manifestations such as:

✦  Changes in your mood

✦  More energy

✦  A greater sense of calm and peace

✦  Disinterest in the drama (of yourself or others)

✦  Greater creativity

✦  Improved health

✦  Stronger intuitive sense

✦  Heightened imagination

✦  Ability to move on from past issues

✦  A happier environment around you

✦  Better time management – get more done in less time

✦  Heightened awareness

✦  Spontaneous downloads of intuitive information


As you notice these manifestations happening, witness and acknowledge them.  Allow them to run their full course until the movement stops by itself.  Respond to the impulse either by resting or taking action, whichever you are inspired to do.  Honour whatever you feel and sense in your body.  Look to your body for greater clarity if you are not sure.


As you continue to apply the Twelve Spiritual Powers you’ll begin to notice manifestations in alignment with those Powers start to occur in your outer world.  Be open to how these manifestations may emerge, it might not be as you expect.


Stay open and enthusiastic.


Enjoy the process.